Truth and Courage. They tend to go hand in hand. I guess it’s no mystery then that these two bracelets came to be within months of each other.

The Truth Bracelet, born November 7, 2023, heralded what was to come in 2024, “The Year of Truth”. I’ve been “hearing” this since 2020. All that we’ve been through will come to a head, beginning this year. Everything we’ve gone through in the last four years has led to this. All is being revealed and Truth is taking center stage. Many have already seen, heard or felt the Truth of what has been transpiring on this planet. But it is time for it to become a wave of Truth. It is time for people to speak up. And they will feel compelled to do so. It is time.

One of the stones in the Truth Bracelet, Aquamarine, is known as the “Stone of Truth”. It inspires truth, trust and letting go, helping you to find your own voice. It is time for the masses to do so. It is time to stand up for what is right and let it be known that we know. It is time for accountability. Aquamarine will also banish fears, calm nerves, impart strength and help to overcome the fear of speaking. Fear, in any form, has no place in the new Earth. It is time.

The Courage Bracelet was born May 4, 2024. Courage is always what is needed after Truth comes to light. As we speak the Truth and gain momentum, we will face backlash. We will face ridicule. We will face criticism. It takes Courage to move forth with the Truth, and Courage is what will be required as we move through these energies. It is time to stand up for the Truth and have the Courage to do what is right. It is time.

One of the stones in the Courage Bracelet, Tiger’s Eye, is known as the “Stone of Courage”. It is protective and gives courage and strength. It inspires self-confidence, willpower and action, as well as provides the vitality and the energy to do it all. It is time to have the Courage to speak the Truth and to take the action needed for these energies to become prevalent all across the planet. It is time.

It is time for Truth and Courage to unite and for us, as pioneers in creating the new Earth, to unite and move forward to dispel and dissolve the darkness that is trying to take over. Make no mistake; we live in a world of duality. Both darkness and light must co-exist, in balance, as the light always comes from the darkness. But we are out of balance and for the light to take back its presence, Truth and Courage must prevail. Truth and Courage must go hand in hand.

It is time.

The Spiritual Warrior Collection

The Spiritual Warrior Collection

The pieces in the Spiritual Warrior Collection have come forth now because of all the change that is going on, on our beautiful planet.  Gaia is ascending and all that is a hindrance to her ascension is being cast off.  Light Workers, Light Warriors and Light Ambassadors all have a role to play and we are in a time that is not easy.  Many of us remember past incarnations of hurt, disdain and even torture, but here we are again.  These pieces have been given to help us in what is to come.

One of the earliest directives I received, probably back in March, 2020 was that right now Gaia is in despair.  Yes, she is ascending.  That has been discussed over and over, everywhere you look.  But there is so much more going on.  She feels abandoned, taken advantage of and is in anguish.  As the Light Workers we are, one of our primary objectives is to assist her and support her in any way we can.

What I received was that she needs the color pink now from all of us.  Pink represents unconditional love and gratitude.  In my meditations, I spend time envisioning the purest, clearest rose pink light enveloping her, like a cocoon.  I also send that light into her core, through the two poles, to the center of her being and envision that light emanating out through her, saturating every part:  the soil, the sand, the waters, the mountains, the trees, the flowers, the rocks and finally out to all beings, human and otherwise.  She needs to know that we give her unconditional love and gratitude and are holding the space for her to do what she needs.

This is where the Love Bracelet comes in.  This piece is being specifically cleared, energized and activated to direct that pink light to her.  When you wear it, on your right arm, it will do exactly that.  I know that not all of us like to meditate or are good at it.  Trust me, it’s difficult for me to maintain stillness these days, especially with what is going on around us.  But by wearing this piece, that light is being constantly directed to her so if I miss a day of meditation, the work is still being done.

As we are giving pink out to the planet, we also have to take care of ourselves now.  We are all here for a reason and we cannot complete our mission if we are not healthy, aware and protected.  Another piece of information I was given is that the color green is what WE need to keep us protected energetically from the chaos going on around us.  Green is healing and allows the truth to come forth. Every morning, upon awakening, I envision a beautiful, clear, emerald green light surrounding me, like a cocoon.  It’s a simple thing to do every day that allows me to go through the day in complete calm, regardless of what is happening around me, knowing that I walk in truth.

This is where both the Hedenbergite and Selenite pendants can help.  Both of these pieces carry the green ray, albeit differently.  Hedenbergite is about revealing the truth; it is a stone of strength, hope, faith, fortitude and courage.  It will immediately connect to your heart, allowing your Divine Spark to come forth, with your truth.  Truth is very much needed now, to be able to see beyond the veils.  Working with Hedenbergite is not easy, but if it is for you, you will be called to it.  You will just know.

The Selenite pendants contain Labradorite, another green stone.  Labradorite is known as The Stone of Transformation.  It helps to awaken your innate mystical, magical abilities and psychic powers.  This pendant will bring in the light that you need and is powerful in its own way.  Again, you will know if this is the combination for you.

Finally, we have the black tourmaline pieces.  Anyone who knows me knows, I don’t leave home without it.  My home, my office and even my car are gridded with it.  For those of us who are so sensitive, this is the primary stone for protection of our energies. I’ve tried to make these pieces very affordable.  If there is one thing you should have, it is this piece.  It will keep you grounded and safe as we go through the energies of today.

Friends, my heart aches for what is happening around us.  But at the same time, my resolve is stronger than ever.  I KNOW, without a shadow of a doubt, that we are here because we are meant to do great things.  We will prevail.  It may not be an easy road, but there is light at the end of it.  If there is anything I can do to help you, I am always available.  I wish you strength, love and fortitude as you carry on with your soul mission and purpose.

Goddess Anahit

Goddess Anahit

Anahit is an ancient Armenian goddess, and has been around long before Armenians became the first Christian nation. She represents the mother and was seen as the goddess of fertility and healing.  I have worked with her many times in the past and she is incredibly powerful, but loving.

She came to me recently and has let me know her work now is twofold.  As you are aware, our Earth is undergoing ascension and is struggling.  As a mother goddess, Anahit is stepping in to help with her ascension.  She represents wisdom and her wisdom is needed now to help Gaia in her ascension.

Her second task is helping the Republic of Armenia and the Republic of Artsakh in their current struggles.  As you may or may not be aware, both are currently under attack from the neighboring country of Azerbaijan.  Azerbaijan stakes claim to the Republic of Artsakh.  However, this claim is not factual.  Armenia is thousands of years old and the Republic of Artsakh is part of ancient Armenia. The Republic of Artsakh is an independent republic that is both governed and populated by ethnic Armenians, and has been for thousands of years. Since 1994, they have had an elected president and a sovereign government and they also have a Permanent Representative to the United States.

Azerbaijan, with the aid of Turkey, is now attempting to ethnically cleanse those areas and continue what its predecessor, the Ottoman Government, tried to carry out beginning in 1915: the Armenian Genocide.  This is where Anahit comes in. In early periods, Anahit was also considered the Goddess of War.  She is incredibly nurturing and loving, but also fiercely protective of her children.  Armenia is her child, as is the Republic of Artsakh.  She will not stand by and do nothing.  As I mentioned earlier, she is incredibly powerful and it’s time for her to come forth to stop a possible, intended second genocide.

As such, on October 2, 2020, the Goddess Anahit Bracelet was born. The colors of this bracelet, red, blue and orange symbolize Armenia.  The stones are:

  • Garnet – a stone of strength and safety that is extremely protective and energizing
  • Lapis Lazuli – an ancient stone, which has been associated with strength and courage, royalty and wisdom, intellect and truth
  • Carnelian – helps you to stand in your power and gather your strength, inspiring confidence and connecting you to your personal power

This combination, coupled with the 48-hour process of clearing, energizing and activating these stones to work with the goddess Anahit, brings the power of this bracelet to life and helps Anahit in sending that positive, grounding and strengthening energy to Armenia, and Gaia, during these turbulent times.


20% of all proceeds from both the bracelet and the charm will be donated to the Armenian Wounded Heroes