Truth and Courage. They tend to go hand in hand. I guess it’s no mystery then that these two bracelets came to be within months of each other. The Truth Bracelet, born November 7, 2023, heralded what was to come in 2024, “The Year of Truth”. I’ve been “hearing” this...

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Welcome Archangel Haniel

Welcome Archangel Haniel

June 12, 2021 marks the third birthday of the Archangel collection. These last three years have seen a lot of change and the Archangels have helped many of you traverse those changes. When that collection was birthed, I never thought that there would be more to come....

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The Spiritual Warrior Collection

The Spiritual Warrior Collection

The pieces in the Spiritual Warrior Collection have come forth now because of all the change that is going on, on our beautiful planet.  Gaia is ascending and all that is a hindrance to her ascension is being cast off.  Light Workers, Light Warriors and Light...

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Goddess Anahit

Goddess Anahit

Anahit is an ancient Armenian goddess, and has been around long before Armenians became the first Christian nation. She represents the mother and was seen as the goddess of fertility and healing.  I have worked with her many times in the past and she is incredibly...

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Welcome Archangels

Welcome Archangels

Many of you know the story of how the Starlight Bracelets and Starlight Grids came to be. The bracelets came first, when I was completely unaware they were about to do so. One night, as I was getting ready for bed, it was communicated to me that they were to be...

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Using the Colors of Nature

Using the Colors of Nature

Look around you.  Color is everywhere in nature, so much so that it is ingrained in us.  Trees and grass we know to be green.  As such, green symbolizes life for us.  The sun is yellow. Light represents life and as such, yellow has come to mean happiness and joy. ...

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The Benefits of Color and Light Therapy

The Benefits of Color and Light Therapy

Color and light therapy has been around for thousands of years. Although nowadays it is being touted as something new and cutting edge, the reality is our ancestors were using it thousands of years ago. The very basic premise of working with light and color is that we...

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Transformational Crystals for the Soul

Transformational Crystals for the Soul

Transformation crystals for the soul. What does this mean? All crystals are transformational in their own way. They all impact us and can change the energies both within us and around us. This is because at their core, they are light and that is what light does....

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