Truth and Courage. They tend to go hand in hand. I guess it’s no mystery then that these two bracelets came to be within months of each other.

The Truth Bracelet, born November 7, 2023, heralded what was to come in 2024, “The Year of Truth”. I’ve been “hearing” this since 2020. All that we’ve been through will come to a head, beginning this year. Everything we’ve gone through in the last four years has led to this. All is being revealed and Truth is taking center stage. Many have already seen, heard or felt the Truth of what has been transpiring on this planet. But it is time for it to become a wave of Truth. It is time for people to speak up. And they will feel compelled to do so. It is time.

One of the stones in the Truth Bracelet, Aquamarine, is known as the “Stone of Truth”. It inspires truth, trust and letting go, helping you to find your own voice. It is time for the masses to do so. It is time to stand up for what is right and let it be known that we know. It is time for accountability. Aquamarine will also banish fears, calm nerves, impart strength and help to overcome the fear of speaking. Fear, in any form, has no place in the new Earth. It is time.

The Courage Bracelet was born May 4, 2024. Courage is always what is needed after Truth comes to light. As we speak the Truth and gain momentum, we will face backlash. We will face ridicule. We will face criticism. It takes Courage to move forth with the Truth, and Courage is what will be required as we move through these energies. It is time to stand up for the Truth and have the Courage to do what is right. It is time.

One of the stones in the Courage Bracelet, Tiger’s Eye, is known as the “Stone of Courage”. It is protective and gives courage and strength. It inspires self-confidence, willpower and action, as well as provides the vitality and the energy to do it all. It is time to have the Courage to speak the Truth and to take the action needed for these energies to become prevalent all across the planet. It is time.

It is time for Truth and Courage to unite and for us, as pioneers in creating the new Earth, to unite and move forward to dispel and dissolve the darkness that is trying to take over. Make no mistake; we live in a world of duality. Both darkness and light must co-exist, in balance, as the light always comes from the darkness. But we are out of balance and for the light to take back its presence, Truth and Courage must prevail. Truth and Courage must go hand in hand.

It is time.