Protection Bracelet


8” – Tourmalinated Quartz, Black Tourmaline and Clear Quartz – Black Tourmaline is the ultimate protective stone. Not only will it protect you and your aura from negativity and psychic attack, but it will return the negative energy to the sender. Wearing Black Tourmaline is an easy and beautiful way to shield your aura. Clear Quartz acts as an amplifier and purifier. By bringing in light, it helps to purify your energies and increase the protection around you. Tourmalinated Quartz is the centerpiece of this bracelet. It combines the energies of both Black Tourmaline and Clear Quartz in a single stone, which only serves to strengthen the properties of this bracelet. It is recommended to be worn on the left arm.


8” – Tourmalinated Quartz, Black Tourmaline and Clear Quartz – Black Tourmaline is the ultimate protective stone. Not only will it protect you and your aura from negativity and psychic attack, but it will return the negative energy to the sender. Wearing Black Tourmaline is an easy and beautiful way to shield your aura. Clear Quartz acts as an amplifier and purifier. By bringing in light, it helps to purify your energies and increase the protection around you. Tourmalinated Quartz is the centerpiece of this bracelet. It combines the energies of both Black Tourmaline and Clear Quartz in a single stone, which only serves to strengthen the properties of this bracelet. It is recommended to be worn on the left arm.